




About Me


Dev Projects

Game Development | Unity

Krog - Programmer

Coming soon to a Steam Page near you!

Chess - Project Lead/Programmer

Chess game made in Unity! Click the image below to check it out!

Python Projects

File Renamer / File Resetter

File renaming tool that renames all files below the root directory containing the Python script.
The files are renamed to include their path as part of their name to allow for easy identification of assets.
This tool was made specifically for a colleague to rename hundreds of assets prior to importing them into Unreal Engine.
The File Resetter tool was made just in case the user placed the script in the wrong folder and needed to revert all changes.

The gifs below show them in action within a testing environment with dummy files (File*.txt).

File Renamer

File Name Resetter

Message Encoder

This tool allows the user to encode or decode a message based on either a passphrase or a numeric shift value.
In Polyalphabetic mode, each character in the message is shifted by the ASCII value of each character in the passphrase, ensuring each character is shifted in a way that would be difficult to crack.
In Caesar mode, the message is shifted by a single numeric value. Upon encoding, the original message is deleted and the encoded version is saved to the user's clipboard.

Web Projects

First of all, this whole website was coded by me without using any external frameworks! Everything you see on this site is vanilla HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP.

Audio Visualizer

While I have included an upgraded version of this visualizer on the audio page, it's worth adding it here as well. The script for this tool is written entirely in vanilla JavaScript,
and was useful for giving me a reason to start working with JS in a manner I found immediately interesting.
As I continue to learn more, I will make updates to this tool, so keep an eye out for that!
Documentation for the API can be found at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API
By default there is a fun little 8-bit tune I wrote loaded up, but you are welcome to upload your own audio files for testing!

NOTE: If the visual does not appear, please click on the canvas and it should appear. Additionally, there is currently an issue displaying the visualizer on mobile devices. I am working to resolve the issue.

To see the visualizer with a different song, please feel free to upload your own file!

Mel Fri Art

Website built for @melfriart in exchange for all the sweet 3D models throughout this website.
Go check out her site here!

PHP Math Quiz

Fun little math quiz written in PHP for some bonus credit in school. This page will generate a random equation and ask the user to find the derivative.

Click → here ← to check it out!