




About Me


About Me

Well hello there! Thanks for checking out my website. Uhhhhh I guess this is the part where I give a little bio, huh?
My name is Khris Finley. I am an avid gamer, musician, audio person, programmer, and coffee drinker. I love all things artistic or technical—if combined, then even better!
When I'm not trapped at my desk working on a mix or coding, I can be found with a game controller, a guitar, or a pair of drumsticks in my hands.


For the past decade or so I have been working as an all-around audio/music guy. I started in tech doing live audio and lighting for theatrical productions before transitioning to studio work.
Since then, I've pretty much done everything possible within the audio world. There are countless project folders full of podcasts, singles, albums, and compositions backed up on my system.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, I went back to school to dive into the world of computer programming with the ultimate goal of exploring DSP and plug-in development as a way to merge my love of audio with my newfound love of coding.
So far, I have had coursework in Python, C++, C#, Java, COBOL, system development, web development, automation, and more. I'm getting a broad set of experiences for now until I really find a niche to settle into.
